
Hi there! I'm Shantanu Vishwanadha. For the past four years, I've been connecting with investors and developers worldwide. I've launched over 10 products globally and helped grow developer communities to more than 30,000 members. I love talking about blockchain, cloud computing, and how to bring developers together.

I'm skilled in JavaScript, Python, Rust, and Go, showing my love for software engineering.

Places I've Worked:

  1. Caterpillar
  2. Google
  3. Covalent
  4. Eros International
  5. Algorand
  6. Lumos Labs
  7. Powerloom

I've also started three companies, creating strong solutions for our clients. But what I enjoy most is working with developers to solve tricky problems.

Outside of work, I'm either laughing at memes on Reddit, playing cricket, or enjoying a long walk.

I'm keen to hear about what you're working on and explore how we might collaborate.

What I'm Up To:

  • Developing an open-source tool for companies to track their engagement with developers.
  • Helping web3 companies create and execute developer relations strategies.

My Developer Relations Work:

  • Creating product-focused developer communities
  • Writing SDKs, code documentation, and templates
  • Gathering user feedback to speed up product development
  • Hosting meetups
  • Starting an ambassador program
  • Organizing hackathons
  • Making presentations and speaking about products
  • Mentoring students in web3

Interested in any of these? I'd love to chat with you!

Feel free to schedule a chat with me through my calendar link: